The Loneliness of Now

Have you ever found out something about yourself and felt all alone because of it? That’s where I am now. Seeing my personality, my quirks and my life laid out before me as symptoms of ADHD was eye-opening. It was life-changing, in the sense that I had answers and some sort of belonging. But what now?

I’m certainly not about to shout it from the rooftops. It doesn’t change who I am, but I know it will change how people perceive me. Yes, it’s their problem and not mine, but it still matters. I get a strange comfort when I read the stories and comments from fellow ADHDers on social media. I relate. Yet I don’t know them; they don’t know me. There’s a distance.

I’ve told my mum, my partner. That’s it. I daren’t tell my employer. Fear of stigma and the repercussions? Definitely. I’ve seen it all before. I need to take this slowly. At the same time, I want to talk about it, laugh and cry or whatever about it. It shouldn’t be a secret. I just want someone who gets it who I can talk to about it. Is that too much to ask?